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By default, your WordPress site is going to display the most recent blog post you’ve made, but you can change that to always show the same page. This is called a static front page because it will always remain the same no matter how many additional blogs or pages you add to the site. Many users use this static page as a home page or splash page. This is useful if you want to use WordPress for a full website and not just a blog since it allows you to separate the blog from the rest of your website rather than make it the main focus.

Many business and eCommerce sites prefer a static front page because it allows them to create a website that looks more like a business website but still gives them all the functionality and ease of use that WordPress offers.

To create a static front page, you first have to create and publish the page. Then you go into the Settings section and select the Reading option. You then select the page you want to use as your front page. You can select any page you have already published to your WordPress site.

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