wordpress seo pluginsWhen it comes to creating and publishing content on the Internet, WordPress is easily one of the leading tools there is. It can handle anything from blogs to e-commerce websites and everything in between. To complement the usefulness of WordPress, the WordPress community has created an extensive library of free themes, as well as plugins, to make it even easier for any newcomers to quickly and easily publish their own content on the web.

Yet, the idea of posting content is simply not enough for most users, they want visitors and lots of them. The problem is, generating traffic to your website is one part art and one part science. Thankfully there are hundreds of plugins for WordPress that are specifically designed to do exactly that.

All in One SEO Pack

all in one seo plugin

No matter what type of research you put into finding an SEO plugin for WordPress, it is going to lead you the All in One SEO Pack. It is by far the leading solution for most WordPress websites looking for an edge when it comes to search engine optimization. The plugin will automatically optimize the WordPress website it is installed on by helping owners and administrators optimize page titles and creating meta tags. More advanced WordPress users also have the ability to customize their post titles, enhance descriptions, and modify their URL structures as well as create tags for each and every post.

SEO Rank Reporter

seo reporter plugin

This particular WordPress SEO Plugin allows users to track and follow specific keywords on the website and follows it up by issuing reports every third day via graphs and numerical data to keep users informed of their progress and development. The best part is, the plugin will also send notifications to the user through email anytime specific keywords have experienced any major changes in the keyword’s rankings.

SEO Ultimate

seo ultimate

When it comes to WordPress SEO, SEO Ultimate provides a wealth of tools to help users conquer the conflicts of search engine optimization. One of its main features, known as Canonicalizer, extends the native canonical aspects of WordPress, ensuring that all web spiders and crawlers are funnelled to the websites primary post. This is extremely handy for websites that have duplicate content on their website, with different URLs. With its ability to edit the robot.txt file, users are able to easily modify it for enhanced search engine indexing.

It is not uncommon for various plugins to create conflicts within a website, forcing one to be deactivated or removed; however, SEO Ultimate doesn’t have this issue. It works seamlessly with the All in One SEO Pack plugin, giving users the ability to import all of their meta-data from it, assuming you want to stop using All in One SEO pack and change to SEO Ultimate.

SEO Friendly Image

seo friendly plugin

The most ignored and often forgotten about steps in good SEO practices is ensuring that all images on your site are optimized. Taking the time to optimize the images will not only increase each picture’s semantic value, but also enhance search engine indexing of the site and its accessibility (especially if someone is doing searches for images). The plugin will also automatically update your images with two different tags, which are the ALT attribute and Title attribute for better SEO performance.

SEO Content Control

seo content plugin

This is by far one of the neatest plugins for WordPress to date. It helps users quickly track down and identify any weak content that is published on the website. Case in point, many new WordPress users do not remember to include descriptions for their categories. This is a major point of improvement for new users to utilize, as it will enhance your overall SEO rankings. If you are new to WordPress and looking for a little bit of a helping hand, then SEO Control is the plugin for you.

SEO Smart Links

seo links plugin

Are you in search of a WordPress SEO Plugin that will automatically link the keywords and key phrases in your blog posts that are published on older pages and or posts? Look no further and say hello to WordPress SEO Smart Links. SEO Smart Links grants users the ability to coordinate your unique keywords and various matching URLs quickly and easily. You can establish ‘no follow’ attributes and open the links in a new browser tab or window. It will not only help you learn a little more about some of the best SEO practices and interlinking blog posts, but it will also save you time and frustration.

Google XML Sitemaps

google sitemaps plugin

Google XML Sitemaps does exactly what you think it does, it generates an XML sitemap of your website that will aid search engine spiders and crawlers to properly index your newly created WordPress website. The entire point of an XML sitemap is to share the internal structure of your website’s content to search engines. The transparency offered through this plugin allows Bing, Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Ask.com to become instantly notified anytime a new post is created, making it faster and easier for new content to become identified and reviewed.

Platinum SEO Pack

platinum wordpress seo plugin

If you are the type of person who has trouble remembering to create meta tags, or just simply do not have the time, then Platinum SEO Pack can help. Not only will it automatically generate the meta tags, but it will also help users optimize their pages and post titles for numerous search engines. This is a major help when it comes to avoiding duplicate content on your website.


All of these plugins can be utilized by both veteran WordPress users to do a complete SEO overhaul of their site, or by newcomers who are looking to gain a competitive edge right out of the gate. Understanding and becoming familiar with these plugins will take a bit of time, but obtaining an intimate understanding of how these plugins work and how they can help you, will provide greater results in a shorter amount of time. The proper use of WordPress plugins, such as the ones mentioned above, can help make your content more visible, which will generate increased traffic to your site from your targeted audience.