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Designing the Right Stationery

On our corporate branding journey, we have discussed the importance of logo design, gone over some tips for the right website design, and addressed how business cards help establish a corporate identity.

Now, it’s time to add one more tool into your corporate branding arsenal – your stationery.

As popular as email and text messages are, there are still plenty of times when you need to write a letter and send it through good ol’ fashioned snail mail. And when you do, you still need to be thinking about your brand.

For many of your potential clients, your stationery will be the first thing of yours that they see. It’s crucial that you make a good first impression with the right visual appeal.

In order to tie your stationery into your corporate branding, here’s what you do:

  1. Incorporate your logo design
    Your logo should be prominently displayed on the top of your stationery, and it should be a big part of your envelopes, too. After all, by including your envelopes into your branding and identity, you can convey the right message even before your recipient looks at your letter!When you talk to your logo design firm, make sure to mention that you need a logo that will look great on signs, on stationery, and on business cards. That way, you’ll have something that works whether it’s big or small!
  2. Come up with a tagline
    The bottom of each page – underneath the footer – is prime real estate. After all, it’s the last thing people will read; you want to leave them with a lasting image of what you’re all about. By coming up with a short tagline or motto, you can tell people exactly what you want them to think about you. For example, if you run a photography company, having a tagline like, “Turning today’s moments into tomorrow’s memories,” shows people what your ultimate goal is.
  3. Use the same colors you’ve been using
    Good stationery will look the same as your logo design, your business cards, and your website design – meaning that you use the same colors throughout all of them. That way, you are silently teaching people to associate those colors with your company.
  4. Include your social media information
    List your Facebook URL, your website address, and your Twitter username. That way, you’re showing people that you’re everywhere, that you’re on the cutting edge, and that you’re easily accessible in a variety of platforms.

Developing your corporate branding and identity doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right strategy, the right tools, and the right branding firm, you can build a successful brand that draws in new customers and keeps old ones coming back!

How to build a bran – Part 1
How to build a bran – Part 2
How to build a bran – Part 3

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