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The administrative section of your WordPress website is commonly referred to as the admin area or dashboard. Typically, this area can be accessed by using your current web browser and connecting to your wp-admin directory. For example, it would look something like:

The WordPress admin area is the heart and soul of a WordPress based website. Any approved administrator has complete access to every section of the admin area. Other user roles, such as contributor, author and editors will have limited access to anything in the admin area. Those who only have “user” status through a subscriber role, will only have admin style privileges over their personal profile page, within the actual admin area.

Gracing the top of ever admin screen is a toolbar. This provides easy access to numerous functions for the admin. To the left you will find the primary navigation functions of the admin area. This is where most of your management tools will be located. Each primary section also contains sub-sections, so make sure you review each section carefully to get a good idea of what capabilities you have as an admin.

The middle of the admin screen is known as the work area. You can edit, write and delete posts here. You can also adjust a couple of settings. Towards the bottom of the admin page is a standard footer that contains links to WordPress and provides you information on the current version or build of your WordPress website.

Learn more: WordPress Comprehensive Dashboard Guide

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